All set? Go with Setellite!

Setellite is built around the concept of creating digital forms and is fully compatible with the system of slates and takes used on any film set throughout the world, whether you shoot for features or episodic.

iPad features
Desktop features

Smart, adaptive UI

Setellite’s UI is designed to change and adapt to the fields you’re adding data to. Buttons like ISO and K (for Kelvin) appear when applicable, so you can zoom through your lists.

Values belonging to specific cameras appear as presets in the UI for quick selection, as do your own recently added entries.

Re-use, don't re-do

Any film set moves fast. Luckily, Setellite has several smart ways to duplicate your data so you don’t need to start from scratch for values that remain the same over multiple slates or takes.

Design a Template slate and draw new forms from there. Or simply press and hold to duplicate cameras, takes and even entire slates.

Control what data Setellite will re-use and what data you want to enter anew.

Work offline, everywhere

Setellite does not require an active (data) connection to work. Syncing between your project and the website (or with other users) will resume as soon as a connection is available.

Ideal for shoots in deserts, on top of mountains or in outer space!

*when in offline mode, data is not backed up or shared with your collaborators

Enhanced Security

We understand and appreciate the sensitive nature of any data that is collected whether it be on a feature film or episodic TV set – especially visual references.

That is why Setellite offers encrypted transfer of data to our S3 servers, multi-factor authentication for both the app and web client and the option to enforce logging in with FaceID or TouchID after inactivity.

VFX wrangling teams: go!

Cover multiple units or split up tasks by working together with multiple wranglers on the same project. Data is synced realtime between devices and the website.

Check out the different subscription options to see what fits your next production best.

Filter what you (don’t) need

Setellite’s powerful Filter option offers limitless combinations of attributes to get to the exact data you need. Whether it is a specific shooting day, unit or slate range, you can extract it from your records.

Tip: export the filtered result to all the formats Setellite offers.

Export and share

Need a clean, representative report for your (client) VFX vendor, producer or VFX co-worker? Setellite exports full, neatly laid out ‘readable’ PDFs with many additional options to include title pages, references and overviews.

Click here for a sample PDF report.
Click here for a sample JSON report.
Click here for a sample CSV report.
Have more need for a technical exchange of your data? Setellite offers JSON and CSV files, but also direct exporting into Autodesk’s Flow. Create a custom entity on the Autodesk Flow server first and Setellite transfers its data instantly!

From the comfort of your desk...

Clean up or refine your data after a hectic shoot using Setellite’s web client.

All data is synchronised from any device connected to your project and can be reviewed and revised as needed.

Share the info!

Maybe you’re a VFX coordinator or data manager and want to have access to everything the on-set VFX data wrangling crew has been collecting out in the field?

Setellite’s web client provides a clean and clear overview of all the data of your project, neatly laid out to get you to the desired information in the blink of an eye.

Configure and control

Freelancers being hired by a vendor have different needs than a team of wranglers working on a studio’s next big show.

Setellite offers different subscription types to fit either scenario and lets you choose who picks up the tab.

Invite Setellite users and define different roles so everyone who needs to know what needs to be known, knows!

Enhanced Security

Control your team’s security by enforcing the use of 2FA and set the duration for re-authentication, so your collected data, including all its visual references, are safe.

Autodesk Flow integration

The ‘Export to Flow’ (formerly known as ‘ShotGrid’) option will allow you to export data directly from Setellite to a Flow server of your choice (a Flow/Autodesk account is required).


The first 7 days are free of charge so you can explore Setellite before setting up your payment details.