Get started FAQ

The Setellite platform consists of an iPad app and web client. The iPad app and web client data are automatically synced.

When working on a set with no internet connectivity, the app is still functional to collect data and will resume syncing once a connection is available.

Certain functionalities such as initial project syncing (downloading data to the device) and security measures (f.i. 2FA, depending on your preferences) might need temporary connectivity.

When offline, syncing between your project and the website (or with other users) is suspended, but will resume as soon as a connection is available.
More on data & connectivity can be found in Setellite’s manual

Start by creating an account on the Setellite website and download the app from the App Store.

The first 7 days are free of charge so you can explore Setellite before setting up your payment details and choosing a subscription plan.

Invite other Setellite users to collaborate on projects in different roles. The number and type of roles depend on your subscription.

Web Client: Invite Team Members

Your invited user will receive a project invitation link in an email and a notification in their app which they can either accept or decline.

Please note: Other Setellite users you invite to join your projects must either have their own Setellite account or be part of your team account.

When you first open Setellite, a demo project ‘Escape from Blue Marble’ is included and can be used to get familiar with the interface and features of the system.

The Project Manager at the top of the screen allows you to create new projects and lets you manage which Projects are synchronised with the current device.

iPad app: Project Manager

You can switch projects by either swiping the project header left or right, or tapping on the arrow buttons.

Project Details takes you to a new screen where you can fill out project-specific details such as project name, project type and other relevant information.

Setellite offers the option to divide your production into smaller parts.

Depending on the chosen Project Type, these smaller parts appear as ‘episodes’ (for episodic workflows) or ‘blocks’

Web Client: Project Settings showing ‘TV Series’ as project type

Setellite’s default orientation on iPad is landscape, but offers a useful ‘overview’ mode when you rotate your iPad from landscape to portrait: all Main, Camera, Take and Reference info is displayed in one view.

Data can be entered and edited, as a small version of the input area is featured at the bottom of the screen.

Think of the portrait mode as a form, laid out on a single sheet of paper.

Project Gear is one of the pivotal concepts in terms of speed Setellite has to offer.

It allows you to preselect equipment the film crew will use during the shoot.

This selection is picked for the particular project you’re working on and is drawn from the Gear Library.

This selection under Project Gear will make up your shortlist throughout the project and can be quickly selected in various places, such as adding a camera to a slate.

Think of Project Gear as a custom package you assemble out of a larger ‘warehouse’ (the Gear Library).

Your Library list will always be available ‘app wide’, while your Gear is project-specific.

Therefore, new items have to be created in the Gear Library and are selectable under Project Gear afterwards.

Setellite has an extensive library collection of cameras, lenses and filters.

You can either select items from the Setellite library, create your own items (or select your previous created ones) or pick items that are ‘shared with me’.

Library items are tied to your account, so when you would log in to another device or you create (or are invited to) a new project, your library  items are available there as well.

New items have to be created in the Gear Library and are selectable under Project Gear afterwards.

You can either click the plus (+) symbol under My Cameras, My Lenses or My Filters which will add the new item in your library, or click the plus (+) symbol directly under Project Gear which will give you the option ‘Create Camera for Project’. This in fact creates a new camera in the library, but also ‘automatically’ selects it as Project Gear.

Web Client: creating a new camera in the Gear Library

Web Client: creating a new camera via Project Gear; the camera will both be added to the library and to your project

Any details that are filled out under the various camera property labels (such as resolutions and ISO ratings) will populate the dropdown lists on the corresponding fields throughout the platform. Some lists, such as Color Temperature are considered to have universal values true for all cameras and can not be manually changed.

For speed, you can pick a default value that Setellite assumes automatically. So whenever the Project Gear Camera is selected, those default values are filled in the corresponding fields.

Changing the default value(s) halfway in a project does not affect any choices you have made so far, but will be assumed from the moment of selection onwards.

Under Slates you enter and manage all data Setellite collects.

This logic is built around the system of slates and takes used as a filmmaking standard throughout the world.

European and American systems may differ, but Setellite supports all workflows.

Any slate within Setellite can hold multiple cameras, takes and references.

Throughout the app, buttons with a plus symbol can be ‘pressed and held’ to add new items or display more options.

Setellite automatically numbers slates sequentially, adopting the logic of the sequence already in place.

A new slate after 187 becomes 188, a new slate after 12b becomes 12c.

Custom names are allowed (for instance ‘VFX_Plate_012’), but not encouraged as the most effective use of Setellite’s system.

Based on which slate the number should be incremented, can be set in the Application Preferences.

To create a new slate, tap the ‘plus’ symbol, located at the top of the slate list. Four options are offered:

New Blank Slate
Creates a new Slate which is completely empty.

New Slate based on Template
Creates a new slate which uses the Template Slate as a basis.

Duplicate Selected Slate
A new Slate is created based on the Slate that is currently selected.

Exactly what data is copied over from the source Slate depends on the current Application Preferences.

Carbon Copy Selected Slate
All data, including take data, is copied to the new slate

Template Slates let you create a slate with predefined values that can function as a starting point for new slates to draw from.

Imagine the crew prepares to move to a new set up which will be in place for multiple setups and angles.

Defining certain values in the template that you know will more or less stay the same (or are easily adjusted) can be a time saver.

Each Slate can hold any number of Takes. Each Take can have one or multiple ‘Take Cameras’ involved in recording a take.
Structure of Slates, Takes and Take Cameras
Only cameras added to the current slate can be selected as Take Cameras.Not every camera connected to the slate necessarily needs to be involved in the recording of that take.However, Setellite assumes every camera that is part of the slate will also be part of the recording, unless you unlink the camera from the take.To unlink a camera from a take, simply press the red mark. This will not delete the camera from the slate, but deactivates it for the current take.

Setellite’s subscription model has a Single user and Team User option and includes several online features including project collaboration with other Setellite users, online project backup and web client. For this model, users pay a monthly or annual fee.

Custom solutions
If you need a more customized solution for your studio, such as the Setellite Private Cloud Solution (SPCS) please contact us through

Please find all the details concerning pricing models under the ‘Pricing’ tab on this site. The pricing calculator can be used to explore different subscription plans.

Please be advised that Setellite will generally increase prices on all subscriptions, effective Q4 of 2021.
The increase helps us ensure our commitment to providing the very best products and services for our customers. You will be notified of the conversion options and details in due time.

Apple takes a 30% cut over IAP (In App Purchases) if you sign up with your Apple account. Since we’re convinced Setellite is competitively priced, the additional costs for IAP is split between the user and us.

It’s unfortunately not allowed to mention this price difference in the app nor encourage people to go to the website directly to create an account. You can, however, at any time cancel your App Store Setellite subscription and resubscribe through the Setellite website.


The first 7 days are free of charge so you can explore Setellite before setting up your payment details.